After the artist Giang Coi passed away, the children took turns taking care of their father’s house and garden.
When he was alive, besides performing, artist Giang Coi had a hobby of taking care of the garden. The male artist owns a garden filled with flowers and fruit trees on the outskirts of Hanoi. The garden house of artist Giang Horn is about 10,000m2 (including garden and house).
When he was still alive, artist Giang Coi’s hobby was taking care of the garden.
After artist Giang Coi passed away in 2021, his young children still live here, taking care of the house and garden instead of their father. The first son of artist Giang Coi, director Hieu Vick, also often shows off the image of artist Giang Coi’s garden filled with flowers and fruit trees.
The first son of artist Giang Coi takes care of his father’s garden.
Artist Giang Coi’s garden is still full of flowers and fruits.
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Thuy Duong (According to Trademark and Law)
Source: Source: https://thuonghieuvaphapluat .vn/gan-2-nam-sau-khi-qua-doi-nha-vuon-rong-10000m2-cua-co-nghe-si-giang-coi-hien-ra-sao-vz63735.html